Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover | Summary, Character and Themes

Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover is a contemporary romance novel that explores the complexities of love, heartbreak, and healing. The book, published in 2014, is divided between two alternating timelines and perspectives. It includes the present-day life of Tate Collins and her budding relationship with Miles Archer, and flashbacks to Miles’ past six years earlier. Let’s delve into the summary of Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover.

Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover Summary

Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover Summary

The novel begins with Tate Collins moving in with her brother Corbin in San Francisco while she pursues her nursing degree. On the night of her arrival, she finds a strange man drunk and passed out in front of the apartment door. The man is Miles Archer, her brother’s best friend and fellow airline pilot. Corbin asks Tate to help Miles inside. But she immediately notices that Miles is emotionally distressed, murmuring the name “Rachel” repeatedly while in a drunken stupor.

Despite this rough introduction, Tate and Miles strike up an unusual relationship. There is an instant physical attraction between them. But Miles makes it clear from the beginning that he is emotionally unavailable. He proposes that they have a strictly physical relationship with two rules: no asking about his past, and no expecting a future. Although Tate initially has reservations, she agrees to the arrangement, thinking she can keep her emotions in check.

The present-day narrative focuses on the growing, complicated relationship between Tate and Miles. Meanwhile, the flashbacks reveal the story of Miles’ past and his first love, Rachel. Six years earlier, when Miles was in high school, he met Rachel, the daughter of his father’s new wife. They quickly fell in love despite their families blending. Their romance was intense and all-consuming, and Rachel became pregnant while they were still teenagers.

Miles and Rachel decided to keep the baby. Despite their young age, they felt confident they could make it work. They were deeply in love and excited about the future, planning to build a life together. Rachel gave birth to a baby boy they named Clayton.

The happiness Miles and Rachel experienced was tragically short-lived. Shortly after Clayton’s birth, they were involved in a horrific car accident. Miles was driving the car when it skidded off the road into a lake. Despite his desperate efforts, Miles was unable to save his son, who drowned in the crash.

This devastating loss shattered Miles completely. He was consumed by guilt, believing that he was responsible for Clayton’s death. The emotional toll of the accident also tore apart his relationship with Rachel. Overwhelmed by their grief, Rachel left Miles, and they parted ways. The loss of both his son and Rachel left Miles emotionally numb and unable to love or connect with anyone else. From that moment forward, Miles vowed to never fall in love again, terrified of experiencing the same kind of pain.

In the present, Tate finds herself falling for Miles, despite his clear warnings that he can offer her nothing more than a physical relationship. Their encounters are passionate and intense, but Tate struggles with the emotional distance Miles maintains. She becomes increasingly aware that Miles is haunted by something in his past, though she respects his request not to ask about it.

Tate’s feelings for Miles grow stronger, and she begins to hope that he will eventually open up to her and allow her into his heart. However, Miles remains steadfast in his emotional detachment. He is tormented by memories of Rachel and Clayton, which prevent him from fully embracing his feelings for Tate.

As their arrangement continues, Tate endures several emotional highs and lows. She tries to convince herself that she can handle the situation. But her heart wants more than Miles is willing to give. At one point, Tate tells herself that she must walk away from the relationship if Miles is unwilling to open up to her emotionally. But she finds it difficult to stay away from him.

The turning point in the novel comes when Tate reaches her breaking point and decides she can no longer continue the arrangement. She wants more than just physical intimacy and realizes that she cannot be with someone who is emotionally unavailable. For the first time, Miles begins to confront his own emotions and the grief he has carried for six years.

He starts to open up about his past, telling Tate the full story of his relationship with Rachel and the death of their son. This confession is a pivotal moment for Miles, as it allows him to release the guilt and pain he has been holding onto. Through Tate’s patience and love, he begins to understand that he deserves to be happy and that it is possible to love again without being consumed by fear of loss.

After confronting his past, Miles realizes that he is in love with Tate and wants to build a future with her. He acknowledges that he has been running from his emotions for too long, and that Tate is the person who can help him heal and move forward. In an emotional moment, Miles finally opens his heart to Tate, telling her that he loves her.

The novel concludes with an epilogue that takes place several years later. Miles and Tate are happily married, and they have a daughter together named Sam, after Miles’ father. The epilogue shows that despite the pain and tragedy of Miles’ past, he has found happiness and healing with Tate. The novel ends on a hopeful note, illustrating that love, even when it is ugly and painful, can ultimately be beautiful and redemptive.

Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover Characters

The main characters of Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover is evident from the summary above.

1. Tate Collins: A twenty-three-year-old woman who is pursuing her master’s degree in nursing. She is practical, grounded, and not particularly interested in finding a romantic relationship when she moves to San Francisco.

2. Miles Archer: A mysterious, brooding airline pilot who is emotionally closed off due to traumatic experiences in his past. He is six years older than Tate and is best friends with her brother, Corbin.

3. Corbin Collins: Tate’s protective older brother, also a pilot. He shares an apartment with Miles and plays a secondary role in the story as a figure who hovers over Tate’s life.

4. Cap: A kind, elderly man who works as a doorman in the building where Tate lives. He becomes a confidant and provides wisdom throughout the novel.

5. Rachel: A significant figure from Miles’ past. Her story is revealed slowly through flashbacks.

Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover Themes

After reading the summary, let’s move onto the themes of Ugly Love.

1. Love and Pain: The novel explores the idea that love is not always beautiful or easy. Miles’ past demonstrates how love can bring immense joy and devastating pain. But through his relationship with Tate, the story shows that it is possible to heal from that pain and find love again.

2. Healing from Trauma: One of the central themes is the process of healing from emotional trauma. Miles’ journey throughout the novel is one of confronting his past, accepting his grief, and learning to move forward. Tate plays a crucial role in helping him realize that he can still have a future despite his painful past.

3. Emotional Guardedness vs. Vulnerability: The contrast between Miles’ emotional detachment and Tate’s vulnerability is a key dynamic in their relationship. While Miles tries to protect himself by shutting off his emotions, Tate learns that true intimacy requires emotional openness and honesty. This theme is explored through their evolving relationship.

4. Forgiveness and Redemption: The novel also touches on the themes of forgiveness and redemption. Miles must learn to forgive himself for the accident and for his inability to save his son. His relationship with Tate allows him to redeem himself emotionally and find happiness again.

5. Family and Parenthood: The importance of family and the pain of losing a child are also significant themes in the novel. Miles’ love for his son and the grief he feels after losing him are central to his emotional journey. The novel also highlights the different forms of family, from biological connections to the familial bond between Tate, Corbin, and Miles.

Narrative Structure of Ugly Love

The alternating timelines between the present and Miles’ past create a dual narrative. It slowly reveals the cause of Miles’ emotional detachment. This structure allows readers to gradually uncover the reasons behind his actions and attitudes while simultaneously experiencing the development of his relationship with Tate.

Does Ugly Love Have a Happy Ending?

Yes, Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover has a happy ending. Despite the emotional struggles and heartbreak throughout the novel, the story concludes on a hopeful and positive note.


From the above summary, Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover is a deeply emotional novel that delves into the complexities of love, loss, and healing. Colleen Hoover crafts a poignant story that shows how love can be both beautiful and painful, but also how it can heal even the deepest wounds.

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About the Author

Colleen Hoover is a bestselling American author known for her emotionally intense contemporary romance and psychological thriller novels, including Ugly Love, Verity, and It Ends with Us.

Keerthana Prakasam

Keerthana is a passionate literature enthusiast and blogger with a deep love for words. Being an avid reader since childhood, she constantly explores diverse genres and authors. She is dedicated to sharing insightful book summaries, thought-provoking literary analyses, and engaging discussions on the written word.

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